Specializing in CNC jig grinders
Development and optimization of typical applications for jig grinding machines is our specialty.
The increasing demands on automation of the machining process can be realized by software components and easily integrated in the machine.
We develop typical machining and measuring strategies for jig grinding.
The most important processes are:
Grinding cycles for holes, pins and contours
Grinding cycles for machining tooth flanks and toothing with 4th and/or 5th axis (A/B axis)
Automatic finish grinding strategies without manual intervention: Detection of remaining overmeasure and automatic calculation of the required correction data for the precise achievement of the final dimension
Tool Measurement Cycles: High-precision determination of the tool diameter
Strain Compensation Cycles: High-precision determination of the spindle center enables the automatic compensation of a possible temperature drift of the machine
Dressing cycle for cylindrical grinding tools
Dressing cycle for forming specific contours on the grinding tool (for conical machining or contours with special shapes)
Intelligent calibration cycles to determine the sphere radius and center
Various measuring cycles for tactile or scanning probe systems
The user interface integrated on the machine enables simple data acquisition for the control of integrated processes and cycles. Depending on the requirements, the user interface can be integrated into existing dialogs or integrated on PC-based systems as independent software.
Our experience in software for Fanuc CNC controls:
Our experience in the field object-oriented programming:
info@graedel-software.solutions +41 78 775 10 01
Schwalbenweg 25A
2556 Schwadernau